Sunday, October 16, 2011

Snake Skin Text Effect in Photoshop

Today we are going to create a beautiful snake-like skin text effect in our Photoshop. This tutorial is suitable for beginners even with the most basic skills, however, I am sure that advanced users will love the effect and find it useful for themselves. You can use practically any version of Photoshop CS2+ to create this effect,
Step 1. Create a new Canvas
You are free to work with any size of canvas you want, it’s easy since both text and canvas could be resized at any time. We filled it with dark purple hue and made a little lighter spot in the middle, to give our background more depth.
snake skin photoshop text effect
Step 2. Type the text.
Using your desired font, type the words you want using any color. We used “Bickham Script Pro” front, and #000000 color.

Step 3. Start Applying Layer Styles.
Go to your layer styles panel, while the text is still selected, and start applying the following layer styles settings:
We want to have a very detailed and deep shadow that will add curve to our text…

Inner shadow will help to create the 3D illusion of snake body, in our case.

Bevel and emboss settings further make our text bold and 3D. Since we used a slim font (which is the only recommended type of fonts for this kind of effects), it’s necessary to further refine the illusion of 3d by applying the settings below..

The most important part of the tutorial is obviously the pattern, which creates the “snake skin” effect. You probably don’t have this parrten as we custom made it — use the example below to first create it, it has to be very small, only a few pixels wide (the lines you see are actually 1px, enlarged).

And filly the very important, last but not least, part of this tutorial is the gradient. Here is one of the default gradients that come pre-installed with your photoshop, use the one below:

Step 4. Done!
If you carefully applied all the settings specified in the previous step, you should be done by now, and this is what your text is supposed to look like…
snake skin text effect

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